Flights to Latakia

Travel to Latakia, one of the most beautiful Syrian cities and tourist destinations on the Mediterranean Sea, where civilization blends with the beauty of sandy beaches to give tourists an unforgettable travel experience.

Top Tourist Attraction in Latakia

Lattakia destination is highly recommended for its wide number of exciting attractions such as the National Museum of Latakia, Salah ad-Din’s Castle, the ruins of Ugarit, the 13th century Great Mosque, forests, and several breathtaking sites.

 Culinary Delights

Indulge in the culinary delights of Latakia, known for its delicious seafood and Mediterranean cuisine. Feast on grilled fish, prawns, and mezes made from locally sourced ingredients. Experience the coastal flavors of Latakia and enjoy the freshness of the sea on your plate.

Things to Do in Latakia

Enjoy swimming in Latakia’s beautiful beaches, hiking in Kassab forest which is one of the most significant and beautiful tourist summer resorts, and exploring the beauty of nature in Wadi Qandil and Ras Shamra.

Book your flight to Latakia and experience the unique tourist services and the perfect blend of history, and charming nature.

For more information, please contact us.

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Destination Details
Languages Arabic
Currency Syrian Pounds
Time Zone +2 GMT
Power Adapter 220 V
Destination Weather